Archive for the ‘research’ Category

COVID-19, vaccination, and psoriasis: the latest in what you need to know
Despite our best hopes, COVID is still with us, and now vaccination news and debates confront us wherever we turn, from the internet to the local convenience store. For people with psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis, it raises many questions, as we try to balance potential risks from the coronavirus with Continue Reading…

COVID vaccine hesitancy in psoriasis patients not necessary, experts say
A study reviewed social media posts of psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis patients in the US and four European countries to learn the top reasons for COVID vaccine hesitancy among those who are hesitant and using biologics to treat their psoriatic disease. The most commonly cited concerns, it turns out, have Continue Reading…

Psoriasis … hard to forget
This is not exactly essential news, but we wanted to pass it along. MedPage Today reported on, and interviewed the author of, a study that found: People who answered in a questionnaire that they had previously had psoriasis, pretty much said the same thing two years later. Of course, that Continue Reading…

Experimental psoriatic arthritis treatment filgotinib shows strong response in clinical trials
Gilead Sciences and Galapagos jointly announced results from Phase Two (mid-stage) clinical trials for their JAK1 inhibitor filgotinib for psoriatic arthritis. The companies are jointly developing the investigational treatment. JAK inhibitors, taken as pills, are receiving much attention for their ability to help people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis, Continue Reading…

Our new “Psoriasis Journey” campaign is rolling out
Our new Psoriasis Journey campaign is rolling out now to prep for for an official June 8, 2020 launch. On that date, our volunteer patient with severe psoriasis is going to begin one of the cutting-edge psoriasis treatments we’ve been hearing so much about. You can follow along with his Continue Reading…

Want to try an experimental psoriasis treatment for your skin or scalp?
Before a doctor can prescribe a treatment, it goes through years of research and testing, including multiple rounds of clinical trials, using volunteer patients to test a potential treatment’s safety and effectiveness. The clinical trials are developed in consultation with government regulators (here, the US Food and Drug Administration, or Continue Reading…

Cosentyx goes head to head against Humira in psoriatic arthritis…it’s mostly a draw
Two biologics that work on psoriatic disease differently – Cosentyx (drug name secukinumab, an IL-17a inhibitor) and Humira (drug name adalimumab, a TNF-alpha inhibitor) – were recently tested in a study designed and funded by Novartis, the company behind Cosentyx. The study pitted Cosentyx against Humira for 52 weeks in Continue Reading…

New patient registry PsoProtect for those battling both psoriasis and COVID-19/coronavirus could help provide treatment insights to both ailments
Scientists and physicians in the UK, working with an international coalition of experts and organizations, have launched a web-based registry that will gather health information on people with psoriasis who develop confirmed or suspected COVID-19/coronavirus. The results, if enough doctors participate, could provide important information in the treatment of both Continue Reading…

Do I need to worry about links between psoriasis and Alzheimer’s disease?
You may have seen the headlines: “Psoriasis tied to higher Alzheimer’s disease risk.” Great. Just another thing to worry about thanks to psoriasis, right? But when you dig into the research, you realize it’s mostly just the usual media hype: there’s no need to panic the next time you misplace Continue Reading…

Amgen to test Otezla as possible COVID-19 coronavirus treatment
Biotech giant Amgen, known in the psoriasis world for its longtime blockbuster Enbrel (etanercept), a biologic used in the treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, has announced that the company “plans to study psoriasis drug Otezla as a potential treatment for COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the new coronavirus.” Continue Reading…