About Psoriasis Cure Now
Psoriasis Cure Now (PCN) launched in 2005 with a mission to increase research funding for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, to educate opinion leaders and the general public about the seriousness of psoriatic disease, and to inspire and support patients and their loved ones to live their best lives despite psoriasis. Founded and run by a psoriasis patient, Psoriasis Cure Now has been aided by the hard work and financial support of hundreds of volunteers across the United States. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Focused primarily on those with moderate to severe psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis, PCN leverages its ability to target, nimbly, areas where the psoriasis community has unmet needs. Our scrappy, unconventional vision of patient advocacy makes us willing to shake up the status quo when the status quo is not adequately serving psoriasis patients. [Learn more about our story.]
Prior to launching Psoriasis Cure Now, its founder and president, Michael Paranzino, worked at the intersection of policy, politics, and communications; as Chief of Staff and Legislative Director to a Member of Congress, as a lobbyist for the US solar energy industry, and as a communications consultant and policy advocate. He has also practiced law; worked on political campaigns; and been interviewed hundreds of times for print, radio and television. He holds degrees from Yale University and the NYU School of Law. Five members of his extended family also have psoriasis, giving him, as he puts it, “plenty of skin in the game” – and the motivation to seek swift progress for the psoriasis community. Reach him directly at: michaelp@psoriasiscurenow.org.